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Thursday, October 1, 2009

From Calm to Chaos (pt. 4)

The postmodern human has lost his automny; he is reduced to a mere cog in the social machinery. The "self" of postmodern construction is encouraged to celebrate her tribal-ness while at the same time excersing tolerance with regard to others. That is, to be an American is no longer about coming to this country and gradually being identifed as one more citizen of this great land, adapting to the culture around us. Many different ethnic groups these days, though enjoying the freedoms of America, retain their cultural language, rituals, lifestyles, refusing to be poured into the melting pot that was true of former waves of emigrants. Instead of adopting the label, American, they are now referred as Asian-American, African-American, Euro-American, Hispanic-American.

Within this new conctruct, everyone must be allowed to enjoy their history, heritage, and backgroud, while realizing that no one's story is true for everyone else. In postmodern vernacular, this means that there is no overarching story that ties all groups together, which of course suggests that the story of God's redemptive work through Christ can't be held as viable for the salvation of every soul of every generation or location. If our neighbor finds life fulfillment in the story of Islam then we must celebrate our own story and leave them alone to celebrate theirs. Evangelism is thus out-of-the-qestion. Who's to say that my story is better that any other story.

Therefore, everything is relative. There is no T-Truth, only t-truth. But where does Christianity's exclusive message of salvation through Christ only stand? Do we reject the great commission now because there is not meta-narrative, over-arching story?